
Directions Staff Curriculum Schedules

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  • 採用正體字以華語課本為主,並輔以自編生活化教材。
  • 國語組選用漢語拼音教學。
  • 低年級教材採用簡單課文和容易上口的童謠,讓小孩子能輕輕鬆鬆的學中文。
  • 高年級強調寫作、時事討論及近代史。
  • 特別班教材生動有趣,專為缺乏中文基礎年紀較長的學生而設。
  • 成人會話班採用美國大學教材,著重日常普通會話。
  • 設有年度作文比賽、演講比賽及朗誦比賽。
  • 設立獎勵積分制度,定期讓學生以積分換取各式各樣的獎品,用以提高學生學習興趣。

Our curriculum is organized to stimulate our children socially and intellectually, but primarily to acquire an appreciation Chinese culture. We do not intend to provide the equivalent of a full-time Chinese education, but if the basics are learned along with a sense of their importance and beauty, each child will have a foundation for the development of his or her own cultural education.

The language curriculum is the major responsibility of the Curriculum Directors. We have several different levels and a large number of classes to give each child an opportunity to learn and advance to his or her highest level of accomplishment. Currently, the Cantonese section and Mandarin section both use Overseas Chinese textbooks provided by the Republic of China. Much of the material in all classes has been specifically developed by current or past Monmouth Chinese School teachers. While we teach both Mandarin and Cantonese, we are continually finding new ways for the curriculum and materials of each section to support and reinforce the teaching of the other.

School Hours

Saturdays, 9:15am to 12:15pm

Language session is from 9:15am to 11:00am.

Recess Time


11:00am – 11:15amPre-Kindergarten
11:00am – 11:15amKindergarten - 1st Grade
11:00am – 11:15am2nd Grade and up
Cultural session is from 11:15 to 12:15pm.


First Day of School 9/9/2023
Welcome to school year 2023-2024! First day of school is 9/9/2023 from 9:15am to 12:15pm.